The 15 Craziest Last Jedi Fan Theories (That Might Actually Be True)

Did you know Rey might have hatched from an egg?

For Star Wars fans, no theory is too outrageous, no plot twist too ludicrous, and no cut too deep. With The Last Jedi poised to reveal "the most shocking truth in Star Wars history," the fan community has gone into overdrive, trying to decipher clues both real and imagined in order to uncover what Disney and Lucasfilm have in store. Most of these theories probably won't come true, but at the very least, you have to admit they're well thought out. Besides, when it comes to Star Wars, wild speculation is part of the fun.

1. Rey was cloned from Luke's severed hand

Someone obviously found the lightsaber that Luke lost in The Empire Strikes Back, given that it's sitting in Maz Kanata's basement in The Force Awakens. Maybe they found his lost hand as well, and used it to create a brand new Force-wielding badass. That sounds ridiculous, but Mark Hamill confirmed that The Force Awakens was originally going to open with Luke's hand floating through space, lightsaber still attached, so it might be important. There's even a precedent for this kind of thing: In Timothy Zahn's (currently non-canon) Thrawn Trilogy, a crazed Jedi master makes a clone named Luuke out of Luke's old appendage.

2. Rey hatched from a giant egg

Max von Sydow's character Lor San Tekka dies at the very beginning of The Force Awakens, but he plays a much bigger role in Marvel Comics' ongoing Poe Dameron series. In issue #1, Poe learns that San Tekka spent a couple of years guarding a mysterious egg on the planet Ovanis that allegedly contained a galaxy-saving hero. Redditor starwarsfanfrom77 thinks that the long-gestating champion might've been Rey, although when the egg hatches in Poe Dameron #3, its occupant is decidedly not a young woman. Still, who knows? Maybe there was more than one.

3. Snoke is Kylo Ren from the future

Thanks to Rey and her lightsaber, Kylo Ren has some pretty nasty scars. Supreme Leader Snoke has some scars too. That's enough to convince some fans that Snoke is actually Kylo Ren from the future, gone back in time to push his past self further toward the Dark Side, even though time travel isn't part of the Star Wars universe--not yet, anyway.

4. The new Star Wars trilogy is based on Anastasia

Structurally, The Force Awakens owes a lot to A New Hope, but Reddit user TheReturnofBobaFett thinks that the latest Star Wars saga borrows more from a mid-'90s animated musical than anything else. By analyzing plot points and lyrics from 20th Century Fox's Anastasia, TheReturnofBobaFett concludes that Rey is Han and Leia's daughter, that the First Order is set on restoring the Mandalorian kingdom (and not the Empire), and that Supreme Leader Snoke is actually a revenge-minded Boba Fett who's out to ruin the Skywalker-Solo clan after Han dropped him in the Sarlaac pit.

5. Supreme Leader Snoke is a lady

In The Force Awakens, First Order head honcho Supreme Leader Snoke sure sounds like a dude, and he's played by Andy Serkis, a male actor. But what if he's not? In an interview with USA Today, Daisy Ridley says, "Snoke is an evil guy, if you can call him a guy," while a Snoke action figure kind of makes it look like the Supreme Leader has breasts--or it could just be his choice of clothing. It's hard to tell.

6. Snoke is secretly Leia in disguise

Star Wars fan crocopig uses an old episode of The Clone Wars to reach the conclusion that Supreme Leader Snoke is actually Leia, and that Episode IX will conclude with a battle between Luke's surrogate daughter, Rey, and Leia's real son, Kylo Ren. No, Snoke doesn't look much like Carrie Fisher, but we rarely see him in person. Anyone could be on the other side of that giant hologram.

7. Luke is The Last Jedi's main bad guy

A lot of The Last Jedi's villain-oriented promotional materials, including a collectible dark side cup and a poster dedicated to the bad guys, feature Luke Skywalker in a major way. That, combined with Star Wars' tradition of putting its biggest bads in the very back of its posters, has some fans guessing that Luke will turn out to be The Last Jedi's main antagonist. It's a stretch, but an interesting theory--and one that Mark Hamill is having an awful lot of fun with.

8. Snoke created both Rey and Anakin

A very popular fan theory argues that Snoke is secretly Darth Plagueis, Emperor Palpatine's former master. Thanks to Palpatine's speech in Revenge of the Sith, we know that Plagueis could use the Force to create and preserve life, and many fans believe that Plagueis is the one responsible for Anakin's "virgin" birth. Some surmise that Plagueis pulled that trick again and created Rey, too, meaning that Kylo Ren's arch-nemesis might actually be his great-aunt. Awkward!

9. The Jedi created the Sith

The Legions of Lettow only appear in the Star Wars: The Old Republic video game, but as RevanisAlive516 tells the story, back in the old, old, old days the Jedi Order attacked a group of Jedi that were dabbling in the dark side of the Force, splitting the Order in two. The outcasts eventually became the Sith. That's why, RevanisAlive says, Luke lost his faith in the Jedi: They're accidentally responsible for everything bad that's happened in the Star Wars universe, and instead of coming clean, they tried to cover the whole thing up.

10. Kylo Ren is a double agent

Maybe Kylo Ren didn't go bad. Maybe he's been working for the good guys all along. This popular fan theory contends that Kylo's hero worship targets Anakin, not Darth Vader, and that his promise "finish what you started" refers to the destruction of the Empire, and not galaxy-wide domination. As such, Kylo Ren didn't want to kill his dad, but had to off Han Solo in order to complete his Sith training and gather the power that he needs to take down Snoke and the First Order for good.

11. Han Solo faked his death

Or maybe Han Solo didn't die at all. Some viewers argue that, since we never saw a body, the scruffy-looking nerf herder could still be alive. The evidence? Well, Luke survived a similar fall at the end of The Empire Strikes Back, and Darth Maul was cut in half by a lightsaber and still managed to show up in both The Clone Wars and Star Wars Rebels. Some even argue that Kylo used the Force to bend his lightsaber around Han, simply making it look like the infamous smuggler was run through by his son's electric blade.

12. Snoke is just using Kylo Ren for his body

Perhaps Snoke doesn't really care if Kylo Ren turns to the dark side or not. This theory, which draws on the out-of-canon tale of Darth Bane, says that the aging Supreme Leader is planning to transfer his consciousness into Ben Solo's young body in order to extend his already long life. According to Star Wars lore, "essence transfer" requires a victim who's young, weak-willed, and highly emotional--a description that fits poor Kylo perfectly.

13. Luke is already dead

Given that The Last Jedi is the second part of a Star Wars trilogy, fans are expecting an "I am your father"-level shock from the film. But what if The Last Jedi's biggest twist already happened? One Redditor is convinced that Luke died years ago and that he's secretly training Rey from beyond the grave as a Force ghost--although the fact that Luke isn't translucent blue makes this theory feel a little far-fetched.

14. Porgs are food

Porgs are cute and cuddly, and, much to Disney's delight, they make great merchandise. They might make great snacks, too. Some of The Last Jedi's pre-release publications hint that the Porgs might be part of Ahch-To's local cuisine. A few of our heroes might be getting in on the Porg-munching, too: While Mark Hamill assures fans that Luke is a staunch vegetarian, a promotional still depicts Chewbacca, satisfied, with a Porg-like feather dangling from his mouth.

15. Snoke is one of the Jedi younglings that Anakin "killed"

Snoke might be a character you've seen before, but he may not be one that you remember. Redditor yootoob argues that the Supreme Leader is actually one of the Jedi children that Anakin attacked in Revenge of the Sith. Supposedly, Anakin smuggled this lovable scamp away during the attack and raised him in secret. Now, youtoob says, Vader's former apprentice is back and out for revenge, which would put Kylo's Vader worship in an interesting light. It's unlikely, maybe, but Darth Vader has had mysterious apprentices before--while it's no longer canon, the hero of the game Star Wars: The Force Unleashed was Vader's secret protégé.

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