Every Time Cobra Kai Paid Tribute To The Karate Kid

Cobra Kai loves paying tribute to The Karate Kid

Now that Cobra Kai is out and the world has had a chance to watch it on YouTube Red, it's clear that the soul of The Karate Kid movie franchise is alive and well in this sequel series. Set over three decades after the first showdown between Daniel LaRusso and the villainous Cobra Kai dojo, the show pays tribute to the legacy of the films in smart ways that are sure to make any fan smile.

Throughout Season 1 of Cobra Kai, there are not just mentions of The Karate Kid in flashbacks, but the story is structured in a way that the film is on your mind constantly--and that's a good thing. Given how seminal a movie The Karate Kid is, to not only fans but the stars who now reprise their roles on the show, it's important to pay respects to what came before. Still, it's a fine line to walk between properly paying tribute and flat-out copying without bringing anything new to the table. Thankfully, Cobra Kai relies on the former with nearly all of its homages helping to further expand the world its set in.

If you haven't watched the show and don't want to be spoiled, you should stop reading now. We're diving into heavy spoiler territory for the entire first season of Cobra Kai to look at the ways it honors The Karate Kid and even expands on it. Besides, what are you waiting for? The first season is out now and waiting for you. If you have seen the show or don't care about finding out what happens, buckle up because we have a lot to talk about. If anything, it should get you excited for Season 2.

1. Right where we left him

From: Episode 1

When fans last saw Johnny Lawrence, he was face down on the mat after being defeated by Daniel at the All-Valley Karate Tournament. Naturally, the first shot of him in Cobra Kai is face down on the mat after being defeated by life.

2. Back in the valley

From: Episode 1

California's San Fernando Valley is as important a character in The Karate Kid as anyone or anything else, and Cobra Kai recognizes that right away. While the show was mostly filmed in Georgia, it's nice to see it returned to the Valley for some establishing shots.

From: Episode 1

When Mr. Miyagi taught Daniel how to care for Bonsai trees in The Karate Kid, chances are he didn't expect them to be used as gifts for anyone who bought a luxury car. That said, kudos to Daniel for keeping the hobby alive.

4. A glimpse at Karate Kid 2

From: Episode 1

While footage from the original Karate Kid is used throughout Cobra Kai, this blending of the movies and the show put Johnny right back in the moment his former sensei turned on him. Interesting that the reminder of his leaving Cobra Kai is what makes him restart it.

5. Three rules

From: Episode 1

And restart it he does. Taking the harsh lessons he learned from Sensei Kreese, Johnny brings back the yellow and black.

6. Cobra Kai is back

From: Episode 2

While the dojo may have a different location and design (though the original makes an appearance later) there's no mistaking that logo and what it means to this franchise.

7. A glimpse of Mr. Miyagi

From: Episode 2

Though Pat Morita died in 2005 and is unable to reprise his role as Mr. Miyagi, his presence is felt throughout the show. Beyond that, though, his face appears a number of times--including this newspaper clipping that touts the victory of a "mystery dojo" at the All-Valley tournament.

8. Washing windows means nothing in Cobra Kai

From: Episode 2

While waxing cars, painting fences, and sanding floors helped to teach Daniel karate in the first movie, Johnny's style is a bit different. For him, chores are chores and nothing else. It shows a stark contrast in Cobra Kai's version of karate and Miyagi-Do's. So get busy, Miguel.

9. Even after 35 years, a good Halloween costume doesn't go out of style

From: Episode 3

Yes, it's hard to believe that Johnny held onto a Halloween costume he wore in 1984--especially one that holds terrible memories like getting beaten up by an old man. Still, it's a nice homage to the original movie to have him dust of the old skeleton costume and offer it to his student.

10. We missed you, Ali

From: Episode 3

Though Ali (Elisabeth Shue) only appeared in the first Karate Kid, her absence is very noticeable in Cobra Kai. Thankfully, her high school still keeps a photo of her in a trophy case for some reason. Good work finding that, Johnny.

11. Miguel's new threads

From: Episode 5

You can only learn karate in your street clothes for so long. Johnny passing on his training gi from The Karate Kid to Miguel proves he's the star pupil--well, the only pupil at this point--of the new Cobra Kai.

12. The student catches up with his teacher

From: Episode 5

Giving Daniel the chance to speak with Mr. Miyagi, even in this way, shows the importance of their relationship. Even though he's grown now, with a wife and kids, he's still that teenager from New Jersey looking for a father figure in his sensei.

13. The return of Miyagi-Do

From: Episode 5

Daniel wearing that familiar headband just feels right. It also shows him getting back to his own karate roots, the way Mr. Miyagi trained him.

From: Episode 5

It's appropriate that this was the episode that paid tribute to Morita, who was the soul of the film franchise. Spending an episode largely on Daniel reconnecting with his mentor and the ideals he learned from him helps in bringing the character full-circle.

15. The Cobra Kai of old

From: Episode 6

While Johnny's Cobra Kai dojo looks quite different from the one he first learned karate in, it was nice of the show to resurrect that old place for a flashback. It also smacks of the late 1970s/early 1980s with that huge mural.

16. Johnny leading the class once again

From: Episode 6

Inside the new Cobra Kai dojo, Johnny is once again head of the class. This time, though, it's not because Kreese has him step in to teach the students--he's the sensei now.

17. Wash the windows, wax the car. The classics never go out of style for Daniel

From: Episode 7

When Daniel said he loves this part, he wasn't the only one. Using chores to teach karate, just like Mr. Miyagi did with him, serves Daniel well. It may not be Johnny's thing, but it certainly is his.

18. One student is all he needs

From: Episode 7

As Miyagi did with him, Daniel only needs one student to go up against Cobra Kai's army.

19. The All-Valley Karate Tournament

From: Episode 7

Let's be honest, everyone knew the series was going to build up to this. Seeing the advertisement for the same tournament that led to Johnny's downfall, though, was a special moment.

20. Shape the tree

From: Episode 7

The seventh episode of Cobra Kai is a treasure trove of throwbacks to the original film. It's this quiet moment when Daniel teaches Robby how to trim a bonsai tree that he seems most like his former sensei.

21. Golf N' Stuff lives

From: Episode 7

Miguel's first date with Samantha was as cheesy and fun as Daniel's outing with Ali back in The Karate Kid--and that's thanks to the destination. Golf N' Stuff makes its return to the Karate Kid world, packing just as much putt-putt excitement as ever. Kudos to the show for including the song from the movie, Young Hearts by Commuter, as well.

Fun fact: Golf N' Stuff is a real place in the Valley that you can still visit, should you want to recreate these moments yourself.

22. A flashback to the tournament that started it all

From: Episode 7

As Johnny fights to get Cobra Kai's ban from the All-Valley tournament lifted, the council that makes the decision--which includes Daniel--looks at photos of the dojo's history in the competition. Naturally, that's where we see images of Daniel fighting Johnny from the movie.

23. A cobra in red

From: Episode 8

While this obviously isn't the same jacket Johnny wore in the movie, it's clear that this Cobra's sense of style has never really changed.

24. Ma's back!

From: Episode 8

Mr. Miyagi, Daniel's father-figure, may be unable to appear on the show. Thankfully, though, his mother did visit her boy during Season 1. Randee Heller reprised her role as Lucille LaRusso, the woman who first brought Daniel to the Valley, in this episode.

25. It's not a boat, but this will do the trick

From: Episode 8

As Daniel continues his lessons with Robby, they resemble Miyagi's teachings more and more. While he notes that the lake he and Mr. Miyagi trained on is no longer an option, the two of them practicing on a large rock created a similar visual.

26. Some rivalries never die

From: Episode 9

Daniel and Johnny bickered a bunch during Season 1, but this is the first time they nearly came to blows--recreating their final showdown at the All-Valley Tournament. It doesn't seem quite as intimidating when it's poolside.

27. Back at the South Seas

From: Episode 9

Though they don't come to blows, the two do go for a ride through the Valley, which brings Daniel back to his first Southern California home. This is the same run-down apartment complex he and his mom moved into in the first movie.

28. Some things have changed

From: Episode 9

Unlike when Daniel lived at the South Seas, the complex looks like it's been cleaned up--and there's actually water in the pool now.

29. Hitting the beach

From: Episode 9

What's the Karate Kid universe without a beach party? Unlike the one Johnny crashed in the movie, though, this one mostly goes off without a hitch.

30. Facebook stalking your ex is cool, right?

From: Episode 9

Johnny and Daniel's trip down memory lane leads them to a bar, which brings up the final mention of Ali this season. It seems Daniel is Facebook stalking his ex, though he won't add her as a friend. The audience learns that she went on to become a doctor, got married, and now lives in Colorado.

31. It's the final countdown

From: Episode 10

Some things never change--like the signage on a community center. The All Valley Sports Arena marquee looks incredibly dated.

32. This is a little awkward

From: Episode 10

While Daniel probably loved seeing a picture of himself on display this big, it's a little strange that the tournament had a poster printed of a moment from over three decades ago.

33. The yellow and black attack

From: Episode 10

If Cobra Kai is going to fight in a tournament, they're going to look good doing it. The classic sleeveless black and yellow gi makes its return in this episode and have the new class of Cobra Kai looking sharp.

34: Is he stealing Daniel's move?

From: Episode 10

Having the tournament start with the move that ended it in the movie is a really fun choice. Having star Cobra Kai student Miguel using it to taunt Daniel is even better. It's good to know the Crane Kick is still pretty devastating.

35. Hawk takes things too far

From: Episode 10

Just like Bobby in The Karate Kid, Hawk ultimately adheres to Cobra Kai's rule of showing no mercy and gets himself disqualified while attacking his opponent. Unlike Bobby in the movie, though, Hawk is thoroughly satisfied with his actions.

36. Kreese is always watching

From: Episode 10

Before the final fight between Miguel and Robby, Johnny is at odds with himself. After all, his star student is about to fight his son. Walking the hallways of the sports arena and seeing his old sensei's photo on the wall certainly doesn't help matters, though it does give Johnny a glimpse at who he's turning into.

37. That trick doesn't always work

From: Episode 10

While Miyagi was able to cure what was ailing Daniel with the heat from rubbing his hands together, Daniel clearly does not have the same talent. However, he does know how to call for a medic.

38. The students have become the teachers

From: Episode 10

It's Daniel vs. Johnny at the All-Valley one more time. However, now they're the senseis and not the students. Daniel is right when he says this will never be over.

39. It looks all too similar

From: Episode 10

The final fight is Cobra Kai vs. Miyagi-Do. Nothing has changed (except for the color of the mats). Even the scoreboard is the same.

40. The new Crane Kick

From: Episode 10

Since Miguel already unleashed a Crane Kick, Robby decided to up his game. Miyagi-Do is nothing if not creative when it comes to an attack. Daniel certainly couldn't pull this off.

41. Sweep the... shoulder?

From: Episode 10

Just like when Johnny swept Daniel's leg, Miguel targeted Robby's injured shoulder to get an advantage over his competition.

42. This looks wrong

From: Episode 10

In the end, the result wasn't what The Karate Kid prepared audiences for. Cobra Kai's ruthless ways won the trophy, leaving Robby defeated and Miguel and his crew standing tall.

43. Wait, isn't he dead?

From: Episode 10

Johnny clearly said that John Kreese was dead earlier in the season. That's simply not the case, though. In the final moments of the Season 1 finale, the former Cobra Kai sensei makes his grand return, puffing on a cigar and telling his student that the story is just beginning.

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