Netflix's Lost in Space: Every Time Things Went Horribly Wrong

Lost in Space is ruled by Murphy's Law.

Netflix's interstellar family vacation, Lost in Space, is a seriously fun show to watch. Based on the cult classic TV show from the 1960s, this new take is riveting, exciting, and looks beautiful--even if this distant planet they've landed on looks a lot like the wilderness outside of Vancouver, where the show was filmed.

So while it's a good show--GameSpot's review of Lost in Space is proof of our love--it's not perfect. In fact, some of the show is downright silly. Time and time again, terrible things happen in and around the Robinson family as they cope with life on this new planet, proving Murphy's Law is as strong as the laws of gravity in this corner of space.

Whether it's Will Robinson falling into an ice hole in the pilot or his parents sinking in a tar pit while out for a drive--down to the possible destruction of the planet itself--things happen again and again throughout season 1. In fact, it's so constant that you can't help but laugh.

After digging through the first season, we were able to come up with 45 different times everything went absolutely wrong on Lost in Space. Follow along, though do beware of spoilers if you haven't actually seen the show.

Season 1, Episode 1--Impact

The series stars off with Murphy's Law immediately sticking it to the Robinson clan when their friendly game of Go Fish turns into a space emergency, as they lose control of their ship.

Season 1, Episode 1--Impact

During that very crash, Maureen--the matriarch of the Robinson family--breaks her leg when a case slams into it.

Season 1, Episode 1--Impact

After crash-landing on a strange, new planet, the Robinsons quickly try to escape their battered ship. Of course, they don't get far due to a damaged hatch that temporarily keeps them stuck.

Season 1, Episode 1--Impact

Not long after finally getting off of the ship, they realize it crashed into a lake of freezing water that is swallowing it whole. This is still in the first half of the first episode.

Season 1, Episode 1--Impact

Before it gets frozen, though, eldest daughter Judy goes back into the ship to retrieve power cells to keep the family from freezing to death. Naturally, because only bad luck exists on this planet, she doesn't make it back in time and gets frozen in, with only her spacesuit keeping her alive.

Season 1, Episode 1--Impact

Will, the youngest in the family, had a plan to free her. Instead, though, he fell down an ice hole.

Season 1, Episode 1--Impact

They do find a way to melt the ice, though. However, then it starts to rain and the temperature plummets again, causing the water around Judy to freeze again.

Season 1, Episode 1--Impact

Meanwhile, after climbing out of his ice hole, Will ended up in a jungle being chased by a scary robot.

Season 1, Episode 1--Impact

He made friends with the robot, but then forest fire threatened to harm him--again, this is still the first episode. Thankfully, the robot turned out to be friendly and saved him, then took him back to his family, where it saved Judy. Thanks, Robot.

Season 1, Episode 2--Diamonds In The Sky

The beginning of the second episode introduced another crashed ship on the planet, with a crew in a similarly disastrous situation.

Season 1, Episode 2--Diamonds In The Sky

There's is a different kind of disaster, though, as the ship they're on hangs over the edge of a cliff.

Season 1, Episode 2--Diamonds In The Sky

The Robinsons are looking for other survivors, though, and instead find fire and a destroyed ship, meaning not all of their people made it out alive.

Season 1, Episode 2--Diamonds In The Sky

With her family off looking for other survivors, Penny sees a massive storm rolling in because nothing is ever simple.

Season 1, Episode 2--Diamonds In The Sky

Naturally, her family gets caught in the storm. This isn't your run-of-the-mill rain, though. The hail can pierce your skin and cause some scary damage, as John quickly learns.

Season 1, Episode 2--Diamonds In The Sky

Once they finally escape and get clear of the storm, seeing a flare from another survivor leads them right back into it as the Robinsons try to be heroes.

Season 1, Episode 3--Infestation

Because they simply cannot catch a break, after getting back to their ship safe and sound, the Robinsons realize damage has been done to their engines that must be fixed before they can leave the ice.

Season 1, Episode 3--Infestation

Additionally, a portion of the ship has flooded, making certain places impossible to reach.

Season 1, Episode 3--Infestation

To make matters even more difficult, Maureen realizes that their fuel is disappearing somehow. Without fuel, they'll never be able to power the ship.

Season 1, Episode 3--Infestation

Where's the fuel going, you might wonder? These scary-looking snake creatures that have now infested the ship are eating it.

Season 1, Episode 3--Infestation

Thankfully, they're able to fix the engines and power the ship enough to rid them of the creatures, but not before Judy becomes trapped underneath shifting cargo.

Season 1, Episode 4--The Robinsons Were Here

Another group of survivors are working their way to the Robinsons, only to fall prey to... a dead battery. Seriously.

Season 1, Episode 4--The Robinsons Were Here

That's probably better than the trouble John and Maureen run into, though, as a massive dish falls on top of them. It's astounding to look at, but one of the worst things that could happen. Luckily, they survive without a scratch.

Season 1, Episode 5--Transmission

As Maureen tries to conduct some weather and atmosphere experiments, a gust of wind and her trusty weather balloon nearly pull her to her death over the edge of a cliff.

Season 1, Episode 5--Transmission

Not long after, she uses that same balloon to float into the planet's atmosphere. It's there that she realizes the planet's gravitational pull means it will soon be destroyed. So not only is the planet trying to kill them, it's also trying to kill itself.

Season 1, Episode 5--Transmission

But that's all in space. Down at ground level, the survivors are menaced by--what else--a big creepy, lizard monster.

Season 1, Episode 6--Eulogy

As the sixth episode kicks off, Judy and some of the other survivors find a cache of fuel they can use to leave the planet. The problem is, it's stuck in a ship that's about to topple over a cliff.

Season 1, Episode 6--Eulogy

As the group drains the fuel, Don finds information to show that Dr. Smith is an impostor. Unfortunately, almost all of it slid right out the door in a box as the ship went over the cliff. This particular moment is almost comical.

Season 1, Episode 6--Eulogy

Back at the home base, a particularly unstable survivor got their hands on a gun--thanks to Dr. Smith--and put pretty much everyone in danger in her quest to get to Robot.

Season 1, Episode 6--Eulogy

Where else would that lead but to Robot going temporarily mad, which left John badly injured. Again, thanks Dr. Smith.

Season 1, Episode 7--Pressurized

Thankfully, by the next episode, John is largely healed and Robot is taken out of commission. Unfortunately, John, with Maureen this time, quickly lands back in danger when their space SUV gets stuck in a tar pit.

Season 1, Episode 7--Pressurized

Meanwhile, the mission to rescue the fuel hits a snag when the transport vehicle is damaged by gaseous explosions. Evan heroically springs into action, lest the entire mission be doomed.

Season 1, Episode 7--Pressurized

That goes about as well as you'd expect, given how this show operates, when the transport hits more rough terrain.

Season 1, Episode 7--Pressurized

A particularly nasty explosion topples the tanker, crushing Evan underneath. Not all hope is lost, though, as Judy puts her medical skills to use to save him.

Season 1, Episode 7--Pressurized

However, by removing the tanker crushing them, the group also loses all of the gas they procured--mission not accomplished.

Season 1, Episode 7--Pressurized

Meanwhile, Maureen and John sink all the way into the tar. In theory, that should seal their fates. Of course, they find a way out right before running out of air.

Season 1, Episode 7--Pressurized

Sadly, after sacrificing the fuel to save him, Evan still dies.

Season 1, Episode 9--Resurrection

As Episode 9 kicks off, John uses what little fuel was left to return to space in an effort to signal to others that there were survivors on the planet. As you can tell, that went really well--the ship he was in blew up. He didn't die, though. Instead, he and his co-pilot were left floating through space on a small sliver of the vessel.

Season 1, Episode 9--Resurrection

As if one parent in danger isn't enough, Dr. Smith also kidnapped Maureen. You know, because she's a crazy person. Her plan was to rebuild Robot so he would be loyal to only her--and it worked.

Season 1, Episode 9--Resurrection

The rest of the survivors, though, found a source of fuel to help power their ships into space. However, upon retrieving it, they were met be these creepy and deadly alien creatures. This planet is full of monstrosities.

Season 1, Episode 10--Danger, Will Robinson

While the Season 1 finale wrapped up a lot of storylines, it wasn't without its calamities. Like when the Robinsons thought they had defeated the now-evil Robot, only for him to creep back onto the ship--and destroy the hatch that keeps the cargo bay airtight.

Season 1, Episode 10--Danger, Will Robinson

He wasn't alone, though. In case you thought one unstoppable killing robot was too easy a task, two of them came to play.

Season 1, Episode 10--Danger, Will Robinson

While ultimately Will's Robot remembered its loyalty to the youngest Robinson and destroyed its fellow machine, it wasn't without damage to Maureen's helmet, which sucked away at her air supply.

Season 1, Episode 10--Danger, Will Robinson

Likewise, the space SUV that Judy and Penny were hiding in was damaged in the fight, leaving their air supply in doubt.

Season 1, Episode 10--Danger, Will Robinson

Will went outside of the ship to repair the hatch only to, in true Robinson fashion, end up in an even worse position than before when he lost touch with the ship and floated away. It's a good thing John chose that exact moment to make his way back to the ship, saving his son and rejoining the family.

Season 1, Episode 10--Danger, Will Robinson

Unfortunately, just as the Robinsons and Smith were about the rejoin the rest of the survivors, a piece of alien technology on their ship instantly sends them to another galaxy--meaning they are only again lost in space.

from GameSpot

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