100 Arrow-verse Villains, Ranked

100. Vandal Savage

First appearance: The Flash (Season 2, Episode 8)

The main antagonist during the first season of Legends of Tomorrow is a major dud. Savage is the type of mustache-twirling villain who isn't threatening, let alone scary. Thankfully, the show has yet to revisit him.

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99. Rip Hunter

First appearance: Legends of Tomorrow (Season 1, Episode 1)

After leading the Legends in Season 1, Rip’s character took a strange turn thanks to brainwashing by the Legion of Doom in Season 2. While it was a refreshing change, evil Rip was short lived.

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98. The Calculator

First appearance: Arrow (Season 4, Episode 12)

While The Calculator is a world-renowned cyber-criminal, Arrow fans only briefly saw that side of the character. After all, nobody wants to hate Felicity's dad.

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97. Constantine Drakon

First appearance: Arrow (Season 1, Episode 1)

Prior to being the Green Arrow, Oliver was The Hood. In the Arrow pilot, The Hood comes face-to-face with a corrupt CEO's head of security named Constantine. He may only appear once, but he's still officially Oliver's first villain.

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96. Captain Boomerang

First appearance: Arrow (Season 3, Episode 7)

The Captain is a former member of the Suicide Squad and deadly with a boomerang. While he might be able to outsmart Oliver in some of their Season 3 encounters, he ends up in the shadow of most other villains in the Arrowverse.

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95. Atom Smasher

First appearance: The Flash (Season 2, Episode 1)

Atom-Smasher was one of the many metahuman enemies Team Flash has come up against and is definitely the least interesting of the bunch. It's easy to see why when all he really does is grow bigger and smash things.

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94. Solovar

First appearance: The Flash (Season 3, Episode 13)

While this giant albino gorilla -- and leader of Gorilla -- is impressive, he’s too little too late to the party. Thanks to Grodd, The Flash fans already have plenty of experience with huge ape villains.

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93. Cooper Seldon

First appearance: Arrow (Season 3, Episode 5)

How did Felicity's ex-boyfriend from her goth phase make the list? After hacking his way into trouble in Star City, he ends up joining forces with Damien Darhk. All told, though, he's near the bottom of the list when it comes to Darhk's henchmen.

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92. Baron Reiter

First appearance: Arrow (Season 4, Episode 2)

Beron Reiter is responsible for a lot of Oliver's misfortune on Lian Yu in the Season 4 flashbacks. He's pretty forgettable, though, given how that season is regarded as one of the show's worst.

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91. Abra Kadabra

First appearance: The Flash (Season 3, Episode 18)

Abra Kadabra has amazing potential as a baddie on The Flash. He's a time traveler from another dimension and has powers that heavily resemble magic. Unfortunately, he also looks and acts like a cheesy Las Vegas magician, which doesn’t help him.

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90. The Mist

First appearance: The Flash (Season 1, Episode 3)

This meta-human can turn himself into a poisonous gas, which should be useful in killing superheroes. Unfortunately, he is wasted as one of far too many villains-of-the-week in the first season of The Flash.

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89. Cyrus Gold

First appearance: Arrow (Season 2, Episode 7)

The biggest misstep with Cyrus is his name. In the comics, Cyrus Gold is widely known as Solomon Grundy--the reanimated villain with superhuman strength. Unfortunately, Arrow never takes him that far. Instead, he's a test subject of Brother Blood's. While he does gain some strength, it's not enough to become the iconic character comic fans know.

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88. Everyman

First appearance: The Flash (Season 1, Episode 19)

This metahuman is a shapeshifter, which could make him a major villain in the Arrowverse, with the ability to become anybody--including The Flash. Unfortunately, he is largely forgotten after being killed off in Season 1.

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87. Amunet Black

First appearance: The Flash (Season 4, Episode 5)

Though she has the ability to control metal and gets a kick out of controlling Killer Frost, Amunet sort of ended up being a good guy. Still, she has a cool power and a mean streak. For now, though, she just doesn't add up.

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86. Dr. Light

First appearance: The Flash (Season 2, Episode 5)

Dr. Light shoots concentrated blasts of light from her hands, is trying to kill The Flash, and is the Earth-2 doppelganger of Barry Allen's girlfriend. She has all the makings of a great villain but her role essentially sees her ushering in Zoom as the new primary antagonist.

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85. Alchemy

First appearance: The Flash (Season 3, Episode 1)

As the leader of the Cult of Savitar, Alchemy was set to be a major force of evil on The Flash. Instead, he’s sent to different earths to prepare them for Savitar’s arrival, rather than being his own villain. Unfortunately, Savitar ends up not being all that impressive, which can also be said of Alchemy.

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84. Shrapnel

First appearance: Arrow (Season 2, Episode 10)

Shrapnel doesn't have special powers or a bloodlust for Oliver Queen. He's just an insane serial bomber who doesn’t last long enough to become a more notorious villain. He does briefly join the Suicide Squad, though.

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83. Reactron

First appearance: Supergirl (Season 1, Episode 3)

Thanks to his super suit, Reactron can fly, has superhuman strength and can fire blasts of concentrated energy at his enemies. He’s still no match for Supergirl.

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82. Anthony Ivo

First appearance: Arrow (Season 2, Episode 5)

The doctor plays a big role in Season 2's flashbacks to Lian Yu. His obsession with a mysterious serum and his eventual pleading for Oliver to kill him show he isn’t truly evil, just driven mad after the death of his wife.

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81. Rival

First appearance: The Flash (Season 3, Episode 1)

This speedster villain was created thanks to the Flashpoint timeline. Born Edward Clariss, he isn’t quite as bad as Savitar--if only because he only lasts two episodes. His cartoony costume does him no favors, though.

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80. Jeremy Tell

First appearance: Arrow (Season 4, Episode 3)

Tell, also known as Double Down, pulls playing cards from his tattooed skin. While they can cut through just about anything, he is essentially a less exciting version of X-Men's Gambit and ultimately becomes one of Damien Darhk's lackies.

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79. The Mayor

First appearance: Arrow (Season 2, Episode 4)

The Mayor’s only appearance on Arrow was a single episode. His attack on a charity event makes him stand out among the show’s villains, though.

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78. Zaman Druce

First appearance: Legends of Tomorrow (Season 1, Episode 4)

Druce, a Time Master, partnered with Vandal Savage to hunt down Rip Hunter and the Legends. While he may have been working with the absolute worst villain in the Arrowverse, Druce is even more devious than Savage due to his personal connection to Rip--he is the Legend's former mentor.

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77. Non

First appearance: Supergirl (Season 1, Episode 8)

Like Kara Zor-El herself, Non is a Kryptonian. However, while Kara becomes Supergirl, Non is a warlord set on destroying the world. He is nowhere near as impactful as his wife, Astra, though.

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76. Edward Fyers

First appearance: Arrow (Season 1, Episode 5)

A mercenary from Season 1, Edward is yet another in a long line of flashback villains. While his fights with Oliver on Lian Yu are impressive, he’s unable to leave a lasting impression.

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75. Bronze Tiger

First appearance: Arrow (Season 2, Episode 2)

An associate of China White, Bronze Tiger gets major points for the metal claws he wore--which look rather similar to Wolverine. He always plays second fiddle to somebody, though, whether it’s China or members of the Suicide Squad later on.

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74. Clyde Mardon

First appearance: The Flash (Season 1, Episode 1)

Clyde holds the distinction of being the first metahuman villain on The Flash, with the ability to manipulate weather. Unfortunately, he is rather forgettable, unlike his brother Weather Wizard.

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73. Anarky

First appearance: Arrow (Season 4, Episode 2)

While his time as a low-level HIVE member of easily forgettable, Anarchy’s disfigurement and obsession with killing Damien Darhk and the Green Arrow make him someone you want to watch. Unfortunately, his failure keeps him from landing higher on the list.

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72. Savitar

First appearance: The Flash (Season 3, Episode 6)

The main villain of Season 3 of The Flash is also one of the very worst the of the series. The show's repetition of using speedsters as adversaries makes him not that interesting. Plus, the reveal that a different version of Barry Allen--the hero--was the villain all along ended up being poorly done.

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71. Tobias Church

First appearance: Arrow (Season 5, Episode 1)

Tobias Church is a villain who would rank higher on the list had he of lasted longer. What worked so well about the character is the fact that he's not superpowered, mystic or from another Earth. He's just a vicious crime lord.

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70. Music Meister

First appearance: Supergirl (Season 2, Episode 16)

Music Meister is one of the sillier villains to appear in the Arrowverse, with the ability to hypnotize people and take their powers. He's single-handedly responsible for the musical crossover, though, so he cannot be forgotten.

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69. Ricardo Diaz

First appearance: Arrow (Season 6, Episode 6)

This drug kingpin was a member of Cayden James' group of villains in Season 6 Arrow. It remains to be seen how he'll be remembered in the long run, as this wasn't the show's best season--largely due to the villains. Still, he tried.

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68. Kuasa

First appearance: Vixen (Season 1, Episode 2)

After debuting on the animated Vixen series, Kuasa arrives on Legends of Tomorrow as a follower of Mallus. As the granddaughter of Amaya and with the ability to manipulate water, she's already a great Legends of Tomorrow villain with room to become even better.

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67. Murmur

First appearance: Arrow (Season 3, Episode 16)

Murmur may not have been a major villain in the Arrowverse, but his simple presence is creepy enough to make him memorable. With his mouth sewn shut, he eventually becomes the right-hand man of Damien Darhk in his war against the Green Arrow.

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66. Al-Owal

First appearance: Arrow (Season 2, Episode 5)

This member of the League of Assassins is a master assassin in his own right. However, his death at the hands of Sara Lance, who snapped his neck, keeps him from becoming a bigger force.

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65. Brick

First appearance: Arrow (Season 3, Episode 10)

Danny Brickwell is a notorious criminal with practically superhuman strength. After becoming feared throughout Star City, he's able to align himself with Damien Darhk. Still, even with the killing of Rebecca Merlyn, Brick doesn't leave much of a mark on Arrow.

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64. The Dollmaker

First appearance: Arrow (Season 2, Episode 3)

While the Dollmaker may only be a nuisance to Team Arrow for a single episode, the way this twisted serial killer would treat his victims as toy dolls is pretty unforgettable.

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63. Rainbow Raider

First appearance: The Flash (Season 1, Episode 8)

While the Rainbow Raider may seem like a minor villain, he's the one behind the first true crossover: Flash vs. Arrow. With his power to manipulate people with his eyes, he’s able to turn the heroes against each other.

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62. Metallo

First appearance: Supergirl (Season 2, Episode 1)

Metallo is a worthy villain for Supergirl, due to being powered by Kryptonite, her one weakness. However, the same Kryptonite also becomes his undoing when it becomes unstable and explodes. A villain that defeats himself can only be so memorable.

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61. Multiplex

First appearance: The Flash (Season 1, Episode 2)

Given the power to instantly create an unlimited number of clones of himself, Multiplex has the opportunity to be one of The Flash's best villains. Unfortunately, it takes very little for the team to end the threat he poses, keeping him from landing too high on the list.

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60. Clock King

First appearance: Arrow (Season 2, Episode 14)

Clock King is one of the few villains to raise trouble on both Arrow and The Flash, and he did so without any special powers. However, neither show treats him as a major opponent of Green Arrow or The Flash, preventing him from becoming too iconic.

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59. Bug-Eyed Bandit

First appearance: The Flash (Season 1, Episode 18)

The Bandit is another villain that jumped shows. While her army of robotic bees makes her memorable, she’s little more than a nuisance on either show.

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58. Zoom

First appearance: The Flash (Season 2, Episode 1)

No speedster villain is ever going to live up to Eobard Thawne. While Zoom may responsible for introducing the multiverse on The Flash, in the end he’s a pretender to the speedster villain throne.

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57. Trajectory

First appearance: The Flash (Season 2, Episode 16)

There's no other way to say it: The Flash is lousy with speedster villains. Still, while Season 2 villain-of-the-week Trajectory may not have the longevity of Savitar or Zoom, she makes an impact as the first female speedster on the show. Bonus points for creating a serum to obtain the Speed Force herself.

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56. Red Tornado

First appearance: Supergirl (Season 1, Episode 6)

As an android with the ability to manipulate air and create tornadoes and fly, the Red Tornado is one of Supergirl's trickier enemies. However, Supergirl’s heat vision proves to be too much for the sentient droid in the end.

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55. Mirror Master

First appearance: The Flash (Season 3, Episode 4)

When it comes to interesting powers, the ability to turn mirrors into portals is hard to beat. Still, that can only take you so far in terms of fighting, as Mirror Master finds out.

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54. Isabel Rochev

First appearance: Arrow (Season 2, Episode 1)

In Season 2, Isabel’s hands were in many evil groups, from Deathstroke's to the Church of Blood. After taking on the alter ego of Ravager, alongside Deathstroke, she solidified herself as one of Oliver's bigger villains of the season.

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53. Evelyn Sharp

First appearance: Arrow (Season 4, Episode 19)

Though she was originally a member of Team Arrow, Evelyn’s betrayal of Oliver and the crew shook them to their very core. Siding with Prometheus, she has proven to be a valuable asset.

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52. Indigo

First appearance: Supergirl (Season 1, Episode 15)

Indigo, otherwise known as Brainiac 8, might be the most powerful villain Kara has ever faced on Supergirl. She's a synthetic being from another planet that has many of Kara's own powers, plus the ability to shapeshift into a human to blend in with the world.

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51. Derek Sampson

First appearance: Arrow (Season 5, Episode 3)

After being thrown into a vat of chemicals--which is very similar to The Joker's origin--this drug dealer now has mutated powers that make him far more dangerous to Team Arrow. His joining forces with Prometheus makes him even scarier, though it ultimately was a losing battle.

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50. Cyborg Superman

First appearance: Supergirl (Season 1, Episode 4)

The original Hank Henshaw managed to avoid death thanks to Project Cadmus. However, his survival includes being turned into an unstoppable killing machine. While he was able to defeat Supergirl at one point and remains alive, he is ultimately little more than Lillian Luthor's pawn.

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49. Black Flash

First appearance: The Flash (Season 2, Episode 23)

Black Flash is essentially what's left of Zoom following his defeat at the hands of The Flash. After being captured by Time Wraiths and bound to the speed force forever, he now resembles a decayed corpse in a speedster costume.

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48. Astra

First appearance: Supergirl (Season 1, Episode 1)

Like her husband, Non, Astra is a powerful Kryptonian warlord and a commander of their army. She is the Kryptonian that's had the biggest negative impact on Kara; her forces nearly destroyed the world.

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47. Amanda Waller

First appearance: Arrow (Season 1, Episode 22)

As the former director or ARGUS and leader of the Suicide Squad, Waller is never directly involved in the fight, which makes her a brilliant villain. Instead, she sent minions to do her bidding.

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46. Black Siren

First appearance: The Flash (Season 2, Episode 22)

What makes Black Siren so effective as a villain that she's an Earth-2 doppelganger of Laurel Lance, a dead superhero. It's an asset she's used time and again to torment Team Arrow and her Earth-1 father Quentin Lance, proving how ruthless she is.

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45. Clifford DeVoe

First appearance: The Flash (Season 4, Episode 1)

The latest big bad on The Flash was just...kind of weak. He wreaked havoc on Barry's life throughout Season 4, even landing him in prison at one point. In the end, though, he went out with a whimper. He's certainly not the worst villain The Flash has ever had, but a good example of why stretching one big bad out for an entire season can get tiring..

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44. Deadshot

First appearance: Arrow (Season 1, Episode 3)

As the primary member of the Suicide Squad, Deadshot holds the distinction as one of the few villains to appear in all of the first five seasons of Arrow, though his Season 5 cameo was a hallucination. It goes to show the importance of this assassin and master marksman.

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43. Konstantin Kovar

First appearance: Arrow (Season 5, Episode 6)

Two words: Dolph Lundgren. Lundgren portraying the Russian gangster who tormented Oliver in his pre-Green Arrow life made him exciting to watch. What's more, the fight scenes between Konstantin and Oliver stand up as some of the show's best and most vicious.

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42. General Eiling

First appearance: The Flash (Season 1, Episode 5)

General Eiling started off in Season 1 of The Flash as a thorn in the team's side. After initially attempting to turn a meta-human into a weapon of mass destruction, he eventually becomes mind-controlled by Grodd. Through it all, Eiling has survived, so chances are he'll be back one day.

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41. Silver Banshee

First appearance: Supergirl (Season 1, Episode 14)

Cursed with superhuman strength and a deadly scream, Silver Banshee proves dangerous to Supergirl on her own. It was teaming with Livewire that truly shows the villain she can be, though.

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40. Livewire

First appearance: Supergirl (Season 1, Episode 4)

After acquiring the ability to manipulate electricity, she finds her true power in teaming with Silver Banshee. The duo makes for a formidable force against Supergirl.

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39. General Shrieve

First appearance: Arrow (Season 3, Episode 14)

In the Season 3 flashbacks, General Shrieve’s quest had him attempting to topple China with a biological weapon. He succeeded in killing thousands, but Oliver and Maseo eventually put a stop to him.

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38. Girder

First appearance: The Flash (Season 1, Episode 6)

With the ability to transform his body to steel, Girder easily outmuscles Team Flash in Season 1. However, it's his reanimation as a zombie in Season 2 that makes Girder become the stuff of legend.

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37. Golden Glider

First appearance: The Flash (Season 1, Episode 16)

Captain Cold's sister might not be as great of a villain as he is, but she certainly did pick up some of his style. She also has the distinction of having a weapon that turns anything she wants to gold, which is rather impressive.

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36. Pied Piper

First appearance: The Flash (Season 1, Episode 11)

While Pied Piper’s only real metahuman power is super hearing, his brain is his most dangerous weapon. The former STAR Labs employee is able to hack into the facility's computers to find a way to stop The Flash, even if it’s temporary.

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35. Talia al Ghul

First appearance: Arrow (Season 5, Episode 10)

Talia is the eldest daughter of Ra's al Ghul and half-sister of Nyssa. In Season 5, she fights side-by-side with Prometheus in his quest to destroy Oliver Queen. Ultimately, though, she faces off against her sister and loses, proving Nyssa to be the superior sibling.

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34. Weather Wizard

First appearance: The Flash (Season 1, Episode 15)

The brother of Clyde Mardon ended up with similar metahuman powers--only far more powerful. That, combined with his quest for revenge over his brother's death, makes Weather Wizard an exciting villain to watch.

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33. Cupid

First appearance: Arrow (Season 3, Episode 6)

Many Arrow fans might think Cupid is the biggest villain yet, simply because they were forced to watch a fake wedding between Oliver and Felicity, rather than the real thing. Still, Cupid’s Green Arrow obsession makes her do some terrible things.

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32. Reign

First appearance: Supergirl (Season 2, Episode 22)

While the full impact of Reign has yet to be established, already this Kryptonian world killer has shown to be a villain Kara will have a hard time overcoming. In the Season 3 winter finale, Reign actually defeated the Girl of Steel, at least temporarily.

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31. The Huntress

First appearance: Arrow (Season 1, Episode 7)

Though she's been absent since Season 2, The Huntress remains a very personal enemy on Arrow. She’s Oliver's ex, and he tried time and again to keep her away from becoming a vigilante. Ultimately, the vendetta she had against her father overtook her and she now resides in prison.

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30. Maxwell Lord

First appearance: Supergirl (Season 1, Episode 2)

While Supergirl is largely populated with aliens and monsters as villains, Maxwell Lord is very human and resembled Lex Luthor with his genius intellect and penchant for evil--even creating the Bizarro clone of Supergirl. By the end of Season 1, though, the two became allies.

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29. Killer Frost

First appearance: The Flash (Season 1, Episode 23)

Killer Frost is as deadly as they come, and when Caitlyn Snow transforms into the evil ice queen, all bets are off. Still, if Frost wants to crack the top ten, she's going to have to be more of a villain than a hero.

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28. King Shark

First appearance: The Flash (Season 2, Episode 4)

If anything, The Flash deserves credit for bringing such an unconventional villain to the small screen. With appearances in Seasons 2 and 3, this massive metahuman is half-man, half-shark, and one of the most dangerous foes Team Flash ever battled.

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27. Maseo Yamashiro

First appearance: Arrow (Season 3, Episode 1)

What makes Maseo such a good and scary villain is that he was once not only a close friend of Oliver, but also his mentor. However, after joining the League of Assassins and serving at the side of Ra's al Ghul, he became one of his most bitter enemies.

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26. Andrew Diggle

First appearance: Arrow (Season 3, Episode 14)

The younger brother of John Diggle is one of Arrow's most heartbreaking villains. After being recruited by HIVE, he became one of Damien Darhk's most useful allies; his personal connection to Team Arrow made them vulnerable.

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25. China White

First appearance: Arrow (Season 1, Episode 2)

A major figure in Season 1, China White was one of the first assassins Oliver crossed paths with as the Hood, and she left a lasting impression. She last appeared in Season 5, proving she's not done yet.

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24. Cayden James

First appearance: Arrow (Season 5, Episode 19)

He's a supervillain, an evil hacker, and the former lead of Helix. It took almost no time for James to make his presence known and his misguided vendetta against Oliver Queen was very interesting to watch. After all, he managed to break up the team and, in the end, Oliver is headed to prison.Image: The CW

23. Queen Rhea of Daxam

First appearance: Supergirl (Season 2, Episode 8)

The Queen of Daxam--and mother of Mon-El--was Supergirl's most notorious alien foe. She set out to invade Earth as revenge for turning her son against her. In the end, it was Mon-El that was her undoing.

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22. Trickster

First appearance: The Flash (Season 1, Episode 17)

Trickster is one of the most unforgettable villains in the Arrowverse. Mark Hamill plays the role, which he originated on the 1990s version of The Flash--one of the new show’s few connections to the original.

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21. Vigilante

First appearance: Arrow (Season 5, Episode 7)

One of Arrow's most interesting villains was one of its most mysterious. The identity of Vigilante, a gun-wielding masked maniac, was a closely-guarded secret. In the end, his connection to Dinah Drake helped in tearing Team Arrow apart.

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20. Time Wraiths

First appearance: The Flash (Season 2, Episode 17)

Time Wraiths are essentially the guardians of the Speed Force. They hunt down speedsters that misuse their powers--which Barry Allen has done numerous times. What makes them so scary and evil is the mystery that surrounds them, much like anything regarding the Speed Force.

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19. Nora Darhk

First appearance: Arrow (Season 4, Episode 9)

The daughter of Damien Darhk and Ruve Adams is shaping up to be one of the very best the Legends of Tomorrow have faced. After growing up with her father, she's now become a follower of Mallis with a deep hatred for heroes.

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18. Sebastian Blood

First appearance: Arrow (Season 2, Episode 2)

As the leader of the Church of Blood, Sebastian spent much of Season 2 working with Deathstroke to take over Star City. However, Blood being elected mayor caused Deathstroke to change course, making the two enemies.

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17. Ra's al Ghul

First appearance: Arrow (Season 3, Episode 4)

The Demon's Head and leader of the League of Assassins managed to actually kill Oliver, resurrect him, and recruit him into the League. He was easily one of the Green Arrow's most dangerous villains.

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16. The Count

First appearance: Arrow (Season 1, Episode 12)

The man behind the Vertigo drug who tried to kill Felicity early in the series was one of Oliver's most significant Season 1 foes. He returned in Season 2 as Count Vertigo to continue his evil ways, cementing him as one of Arrow's finest baddies.

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15. Dominators

First appearance: Invasion! crossover

While not the greatest Arrowverse villains, the Dominators alien race are the craziest. Nobody on any of the shows had faced an enemy quite like these beings that almost got away with world domination.

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14. Black Arrow

First appearance: Crisis on Earth-X crossover

Thanks to Crisis on Earth-X, viewers got to see what Oliver Queen would be like if he were a Nazi, and the results were horrifying. The Black Arrow is more ruthless than the Green Arrow could ever be and does it all for the Reich.

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13. Overgirl

First appearance: Crisis on Earth-X crossover

As with the Black Arrow, Overgirl was the Earth-X version of Supergirl--a Nazi Girl of Steel. Given how wholesome and good Supergirl is, seeing her exact opposite on screen was jarring.

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12. Ruve Adams

First appearance: Arrow (Season 4, Episode 9)

While Ruve may not have had the supernatural powers of her husband, Damien Darhk, she was perhaps even more manipulative than he could dream of being. So manipulative that she used Oliver's war with her husband to blackmail him out of the mayoral election--becoming mayor herself.

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11. Grodd

First appearance: The Flash (Season 1, Episode 21)

When Grodd was first introduced as a meta-powered ape in Season 1 of The Flash, he was a sight to behold. However, when Team Flash went to Gorilla in Season 3, Grodd was established as one of the best villains ever.

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10. Heat Wave

First appearance: The Flash (Season 1, Episode 10)

Captain Cold's partner in crime is more psychotic than his friend, and a much bigger fan of inflicting pain. Still, as evil as Heat Wave can be, it's hard not to love how corrupt his mind is. Thankfully, he switched sides to become a Legend of Tomorrow.

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9. Captain Cold

First appearance: The Flash (Season 1, Episode 4)

Captain Cold was not only the first major villain to face The Flash, but also among the to first to do it with flair. Captain Cold was so memorable he became a fan favorite and ultimately a hero on Legends of Tomorrow.

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8. Nyssa al Ghul

First appearance: Arrow (Season 2, Episode 14)

As the daughter of Ra's al Ghul, Nyssa was often seen as a villain simply by association. Her place of esteem within the League of Assassins established that. However, her love for Sara Lance was often her saving grace, which kept Nyssa from going completely to the dark side.

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7. Lillian Luthor

First appearance: Supergirl (Season 2, Episode 1)

After being introduced in Season 2, Lillian Luthor--mother to Superman's foe Lex--has become a dominant force on Supergirl. She's the leader of Project Cadmus, which has declared war on aliens and wants the Girl of Steel dead. Her son had to get his awfulness from somewhere, and it seems Lillian is where it comes from.

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6. Anatoly Knyazev

First appearance: Arrow (Season 2, Episode 4)

Anatoly has been a thorn in Oliver Queen's side since first introduced in Season 2. The former KGB agent and Bratva leader was Oliver's mentor in the underworld before turning against him. The feud between these two is as personal as it gets.

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5. Damien Darhk

First appearance: Arrow (Season 4, Episode 1)

Damien brought a new wrinkle to Team Arrow's villains--the mystic. With his supernatural powers, Damien was able to push the Green Arrow to the brink and ultimately kill Laurel Lance.

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4. Malcolm Merlyn

First appearance: Arrow (Season 1, Episode 4)

One of the best Arrowverse villains is also one of the first. From the very beginning, there was something devious about Malcolm. Between his time as the Dark Archer to his angling to become the Demon's Head, he proved time and again he was only out for himself.

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3. Prometheus

First appearance: Arrow (Season 5, Episode 1)

Prometheus broke the Green Arrow by essentially making him look in the mirror. Showing Oliver Queen his worst self nearly destroyed not only Team Arrow, but also Oliver himself.

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2. Deathstroke

First appearance: Arrow (Season 1, Episode 13)

Oliver Queen's sometimes friend, often foe, has been pushing the Green Arrow to his limits since he was stranded on the remote island of Lian Yu. Between that and his rich comic book history, Deathstroke is hard to beat.

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1. Eobard Thawne

First appearance: The Flash (Season 1, Episode 1)

There are none more devious or destructive than Eobard Thawne. This villain from the future made The Flash's life absolutely miserable, and he did it while posing as Barry Allen's mentor, Harrison Wells.

Image: The CW

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Final Fantasy VII Remake PC Requirements Released Ahead Of Launch

Final Fantasy VII Remake is making its way to PC, with the Intergrade version including both the base game and the additional Intermission ...