On May 22, 2017, amidst the hundreds or thousands of Twitter accounts that are created, one rose above all others. Simply called "#DarkUniverse," the account sent out two tweets, signifying the start of another shared movie universe that would end up consisting of one movie, Tom Cruise's The Mummy.
At 10:03 AM PT / 1:03 PM ET, a tweet was unleashed onto the masses that simply said, "Welcome to a new world of gods and monsters." It featured a video consisting of clips from classic Universal Pictures movies like Dracula, Frankenstein, The Mummy, The Invisible Man, Bride of Frankenstein, The Wolf Man, The Phantom of the Opera, and Creature from the Black Lagoon. It also linked to the now defunct Darkuniverse.com, which currently brings you to the Universal Pictures site.
However, what got most people talking was the second--and final--tweet from the Dark Universe account, which begged onlookers to witness the beginning of a new cinematic universe with its stars that would surely build a long-lasting franchise.
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